How to Improve Indoor Air Quality During Home Renovations
Many people have been working on home renovation projects this year, since 2020 has been the year of staying at home. Even the smallest indoor renovations can pollute your home’s air. Renovation projects can often release microscopic particles from dust, fiberglass, mold and sanding into the air. Your home could also be filled with toxic fumes called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in paints and primers. All of these extra particles floating around your home can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms. A True HEPA air purifier can help keep your home’s air healthy as you work on your indoor home projects.
How True HEPA Filtration Works

True HEPA filtration removes 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns in size. This includes smoke, dust, pollen, pet hair and dander, mold spores and dust mites. This is a standard regulated by the United States Department of Energy. LivePure air purifier filters meet the EPA’s True HEPA standards so your home environment remains happy, healthy and pure while renovating.
LivePure Air Purifiers also include a natural coconut carbon pre-filter which removes VOCs, giving you extra protection. It is important to note when you are doing a renovation project, that your filters may have to work harder than normal, meaning you may have to replace or clean the filters sooner than expected. LivePure Air Purifiers come with a filter replacement indicator, letting you know when it’s time to clean or replace your filters.
Choosing the Right Air Purifier
Before purchasing an air purifier, it’s important to consider where you will be using it. Is your project focused in one room, multiple rooms or a whole house? Choosing a properly sized air purifier is important because you can waste money and energy otherwise.

Our Sierra Series True HEPA Digital Tall Tower Air Purifier is perfect for a medium sized room. It can clean 202 Sq. Ft. space, which is approximately a 10' x 20 x 8' room.

Our Aspen Series True HEPA Air Purifier is ideal for a large room. It can clean 315 sq. ft. space, which is approximately a 17’ x 18’ room with 8-foot ceilings.

Our Bali Multi-Room True HEPA Console Air Purifier is perfect for larger renovation projects. It has the ability to clean the air in multiple rooms or a whole home up to 2,000 sq. ft. in size.